Thursday, May 25, 2017

Pandamonium - Plants for Sale

So as most of you probably have realized based on my last blog I like to garden and be outdoors.  So after a few years of inattention to my yard, due to Mel being sick, and then my Mom having surgery, and the moles wreaking havoc in the yard, well lets just say the yard and garden were seriously damaged and overgrown.  So this year was the clean up and as a result I have many extra plants that I am planning to sell at the pandemonium as part of my fundraising.  So the list includes but is not limited to Delphiniums (blue), a mystery plant that has a tall spike with white flowers (can't remember the name), lots of strawberry plants, mini pansies (johnny jump ups) and then the extra veggies that we started from seed, zucchini, cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, collards,  thai basil, borage, cucumbers and so on ...   If this is successful then next year I will start lots of seeds in my new greenhouse (we just finished it on the long weekend) and I can have a greater selection / quantity for next year.  

Friday, May 19, 2017

Quack Grass 742

For the past couple of weeks I have been working diligently on getting my garden going and quack grass has been my biggest challenge.  It looked like a million were coming up all over the garden however it was only 742 so far that I have pulled or broken off ... I'm counting everything these days.  Maybe we could do a fundraiser based on the number of weeds we pull out of a garden or flower bed 😓.    

One thing I admire about the darn stuff is how it grows ... wow you want to see a root system these plants have it in spades.  So while I am out there yanking out roots and plants it made me realize how a strong root system can make you indestructible.  No matter what it ... always comes up again!
there is a life lesson in this ... things like
having a good support (root) system, 
how a lot of what goes on with a person is hidden underground
under difficult conditions you can still see growth
it never quits

Not bad characteristics ... I just can't appreciate them right now.

Thursday, May 11, 2017


So of course I asked some of the guys at work to sponsor me in my acts of kindness fund raising and several times I have gotten the following response ....

"so if I sponsor you can I get 'credit' for future acts of kindness?" 

And I am confused 😕 and ask 'what do you mean?'

and the response is "so like if in the future I do something that ticks you off, well then you will have to be kind to me and not chew me out".

Now how do I respond to that! 😮  And what does that say about my supervisory/communication skills?  😳

I know that I am blunt in my approach to things,  sometimes lacking in diplomacy,  however if the guys are trying to buy future 'acts of kindness' I may have to implement 'kindness/diplomacy/tact' into my future dealings with them.  Looking back through my notes I noticed my dealings with the guys at work are never in the acts of kindness that I record.  😔 So maybe I am NOT being kind to them?

I am going to have to fix this!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Fundraising for Acts of Kindness

So its been interesting with the new 'Acts of Kindness' sponsor sheet.  I talk to people about sponsoring me for this and I get some really baffled looks and questions. 

Like what IS an act of kindness?   Thank god we have talked about this alot at the I Ho Chuan Meetings ...

How many are you going to do in a week?  This is a tough one ... we record them and try to do at least five a day but it could go higher so its kind of hard to predict ...

Why are you doing this?  I really like this one ... because its so multifaceted. 

I am:
practicing being aware of whats going on around me
making an effort to interact with other people
taking the opportunity to be kind to someone
learning how to talk to people
practicing recording my numbers
practicing self discipline
contributing to the fundraising efforts of the school

sharing the stories about our charities
part of something that changes the world ... one on one, in the community that I live, and across the globe

sharing all of it with the other students at Silent River Kung Fu