Monday, March 16, 2015

Can't get the video loaded to this page

Sorry guys I tried to upload the video from Deans camera phone of the lion dance but after many attempts I gave up.  If anyone has advice it would be much appreciated.  Apparently there is a limit on the size to upload to my blog and I tried youtube but it said it will take an hour.  I will try yet again when I have more time.  

The nice weather is odd but much appreciated as I can practice my forms outside either on the deck or in the front yard.  So I am catching up on my numbers ... what a relief.  I really enjoy practicing outside everything seems to be more fun outside and I don't have to worry about running into anything or hitting anything with the sword.  Have a problem with my right shoulder coming up when I am using the sword that the other sifu becketts keep pointing out ... not that I mind ... the shoulder coming up not only ruins the look of the form but it messes with the rest of the positioning of my body as well.  I will continue to focus on it while practicing the form.

Sorry I missed the Friday class ... I heard it was awesome.  

Monday, March 9, 2015

Mar 6, 2015

So I am writing this blog from my ipad.  I used to think of myself as reasonably tech savy but I am not keeping up very well with the functions of the iPad or Google plus.  Just figured out the auto correct feature ... Just hit the space bar to accept the correction.   Still struggling with the share function for the blog it didn't  work last posting, not sure where I went wrong.  

Really enjoyed last week, got lots of reps in and had fun with the sword form that I am learning so I am feeling pretty good.  Great time at the open I Ho Chuan class (look at that it capitalized a Chinese name) the dragon dance practice went really well, hope everyone had fun!  Looking forward to the lion dance practice on the 19th.  

Had to do tech support on quickbooks at the office and we all know what that's like sitting on hold till someone answers, then following instructions waiting for things to download and install had plenty of time to catchup on reading blogs.  They were very inspiring with a lot of different perspectives and some cool insights.   Even the people that we're struggling with injuries and other issues, I always learn a lot and those insights clear up a lot of things for me.  Thank you for being the deep thinkers that you all are.