Wednesday, January 2, 2013

After Xmas

It has been a great holdiay ... the girls are home and we have been visiting or visited by friends and relatives alot.  Brandi has gone thru the Tae Hau form with me and I now have the better understanding of the moves that I am making in this form.   When I learned the beginning of it in China the teacher did not speak great English (none) so I was learning moves and not really understanding what I was doing ... it feels much better to know that a particular move is a strike or block  etc.   Makes it easier to remember and get the flow going so I expect it will feel and look alot better shortly.    Did 500 situps and 250 kicks on New Years, pants are still too tight (appears it will take alot more than 500 to burn that off).  Hope everyone had as great a holiday as we did and best in the new year.