Thursday, May 25, 2017

Pandamonium - Plants for Sale

So as most of you probably have realized based on my last blog I like to garden and be outdoors.  So after a few years of inattention to my yard, due to Mel being sick, and then my Mom having surgery, and the moles wreaking havoc in the yard, well lets just say the yard and garden were seriously damaged and overgrown.  So this year was the clean up and as a result I have many extra plants that I am planning to sell at the pandemonium as part of my fundraising.  So the list includes but is not limited to Delphiniums (blue), a mystery plant that has a tall spike with white flowers (can't remember the name), lots of strawberry plants, mini pansies (johnny jump ups) and then the extra veggies that we started from seed, zucchini, cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, collards,  thai basil, borage, cucumbers and so on ...   If this is successful then next year I will start lots of seeds in my new greenhouse (we just finished it on the long weekend) and I can have a greater selection / quantity for next year.  


  1. One year, when Sam was only about 2 we tried to plant veggies and it didn't work out - so my coworker gave me a huge zucchini from her mom's garden. I told Sam to put a chocolate chip in the ground and count to 10 and when she opened her eyes just like magic she was able to dig this enormous zucchini up!

  2. What a great idea. I also have a greenhouse, but not so many plants this year as in the last few years my greenhouse got out of control when everything grew so well. But I do have some extras I will contribute to your 'garden center'. Icelandic Poppies, Chocolate Mint, lettuce and an unknown 'cute' little plant.
