Thursday, May 11, 2017


So of course I asked some of the guys at work to sponsor me in my acts of kindness fund raising and several times I have gotten the following response ....

"so if I sponsor you can I get 'credit' for future acts of kindness?" 

And I am confused 😕 and ask 'what do you mean?'

and the response is "so like if in the future I do something that ticks you off, well then you will have to be kind to me and not chew me out".

Now how do I respond to that! 😮  And what does that say about my supervisory/communication skills?  😳

I know that I am blunt in my approach to things,  sometimes lacking in diplomacy,  however if the guys are trying to buy future 'acts of kindness' I may have to implement 'kindness/diplomacy/tact' into my future dealings with them.  Looking back through my notes I noticed my dealings with the guys at work are never in the acts of kindness that I record.  😔 So maybe I am NOT being kind to them?

I am going to have to fix this!

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