Friday, June 9, 2017

Getting it Done!

So my daughter Melanie pointed out something about my behaviour that I was unaware of.  She told me that I am all about the task, getting it done, and I am not appreciating the fun/joyful aspects of the task ... just get the task done, tick it off the list.

Yes I am a type A get things done type of person.  However I did not realize that I was not participating very well in the sharing, visiting, quality time with people part of things, like I Ho Chuan events,  things around the house, work, and work events.  I go ... I do what I got to do ... mentally check it off the list and I am ready to move on to the next one.  Mel said she thinks I am addicted to the rush you get when you have completed a task (apparently there is such a thing, who knew) and I am not taking time to be in the moment, with the people, sharing the experience. 

I have spent the last month studying how I approach and do these types of things.  At the pandamonium in the morning I must admit I was all about the task, setting things up, making sure the things that needed to happen and get done did.  Did I have fun? I made myself take a deep breath and enjoyed my time on the mats at the kwoon, doing the dragon dances and hanging out with people.  But she does have a point, I am about completing the tasks,  the fundraising is a list of things to do with the money as a reward, did I take time to share/connect with people? Not really. 

At work this is my mode, lots of things to get done and check off the list because if you procrastinate it will come back to bite you. 

I think I have designated things like, gardening, vacations and some family get togethers (depends on the family members) as things that I am allowed to linger over and enjoy. If there is a goal or a deadline I am focused only on that and not enough on the journey/experience of getting there.  I have been working on being in the moment a lot more this past month but I keep getting distracted by the next thing on the mental lists that I keep that need to get done.  TV & books allow me to escape my busyness for awhile but again I am inside my head and not interacting with people and being in the moment with them as much as I probably should. 

This was kind of depressing revelation and I am not sure I am even evaluating this correctly.  I will continue to keep this in mind as I move forward. 

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