This week I have a free sunday to blog, which for me is really unusual. Normally I have my Mom and Aunt for dinner, possibly others as well, but my Mom really looks forward to busting out of the seniors apartment where she lives in Leduc. So normally I would have picked up my Mom after lunch, she would spend the day out here and then we would do a big family dinner. At about this time I would be driving my Mom and / or aunt home to Leduc and /or Edmonton. This week my brother and I took Mom out for dinner and visiting last night (saturday), I was so tired from Martial Arts Fitness and open training that I really didn't want to go out anywhere ... however as my brother is rarely in town it wasn't something I could duck out of. However today I am really glad as today I have a day to myself. Its a bit of a treat, Mel is good about letting me do my thing and letting me listen to my favorite music all day. Dean had a project going with his motorcycle and essentially once I growled once or twice everyone left me alone. Sometimes a person just needs some space to rest and recharge. My hubby he is always okay with people around, drives me crazy sometimes, I am looking forward to putzing around in my garden and he is planning a barbeque with a minimum of four people coming. Its caused an argument or two in our 30 years together. Today was wonderful, really I am not good at sitting around unless I have book in my hand, so putzing around the house today, cooking, cleaning my kitchen, doing some laundry, listening to my favorite music ... nothing urgent, it was awesome. I had nothing to accomplish, did stuff just because I wanted to!
We were dropping off a table at my aunts place in Edmonton and on the way we were listening to the Nitty Gritty Dirt band CD and my and the girls favorite songs 'The house on Pooh Corner' came on. Melanie and I know all the words so as normal we start singing along. When the girls were little they would sing all the disney movie sound tracks to Dean and I in the car, it was always such a treat ... I mean really they knew all the words for the Lion King. Today I got really choked up and could hardly keep from crying ... this past June I was terrified that my daughter might have some horrible disease / condition that would kill or permanently handicap her. Would I ever hear her sing again ... it just hit me today and its impossible to explain how special it was at that moment that Melanie was in the truck and singing along to one of our favorite songs ... thank you God!
I can't even imagine the heartbreak you went through when Mel was sick. I'm so happy she pulled through and is doing so well. She's such an inspiration.