I have been going to some of the martial arts fitness classes on Saturday and I got a low impact Pilates/Yoga workout DVD set for working out during the week. Both of these have a stretching component and I can't believe what a difference it makes in how I feel after / between workouts. I stand up straighter, walk differently and I feel GOOD (there is a song with this line). I experience less sore muscles after a workout and seem to bounce back with more energy. Its amazing the difference it makes to incorporate stretching into your life 3 times a week. I am hooked on a feeling (there is a song with this line) and will keep stretching as an important part of my conditioning.
Yes I am weird!
While on the subject of songs ... for our demo how about 'Inner Ninga' by David Myles a little bit of rap but no bad words.
Hooga, hooga, hooga chucka.