Saturday, September 15, 2012

22 of 52

So due to my efforts to catch up on my pushups and situps I have actually done something to my right elbow ... it really hurts to straighten it out completely, and it kind of looks swollen. So for the last few days I have been iceing, appling stinky chinese medicine and modifying my pushups to more on my left side and not actually straightening it to the point of locking the joint. Not sure how it will go ... will keep you posted. Thats why I picked the challenge of hidden leg technique ... no arms required.

Thanks to whoever picked mu long koon as a challenge, one of my faves!

While in China I started learning a form called Tei Hua (not 100% sure of the spelling). I learned the basic movements up to the part called ba gua walking and have been practicing it to that point.

The girls have been answering my questions like "what is the hand position here? and where should my weight be? and what kind of stance is here?" during our skype calls for the last 4 months. Now thanks to our discovery of an internet feature called 'Dropbox' the girls and I can share photos and videos much more easily. (Their access is pretty limited and slow) My daughter Melanie who is one of the two sweetest children ever ... video recorded this form for me. She does it very slowly and emphasizes the hand positions and videoed it front and back so I can see everything no matter what direction she is facing. The quality is excellent and I am sure that is due to the group of foreign students that she trains with. Thanks everyone! This will help me huge in getting Tei Hua looking like what I know it should look and feel like. Thanks Mel for caring and taking the time to do this for me.

Give me a week to tweek this form and I hope to have it mastered to the point that I am willing to show it off.

Sifu Beckett.

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