Friday, March 4, 2011

5th post

So I missed last weeks post so this is a two week update. Went to Vancouver over the weekend to visit my sister and her baby. Nova (the baby) is now 5 months old and smiling and interacting its so cool. She helped with the intensity of my situps, put a 15 lb baby on your chest and do situps now that creates a burn. We walked ALOT, her afternoon nap happens in the stroller with me and my sister walking. Vancouver is a beautiful city and its a joy to walk someplace where its still green so I racked up mega miles in the four days I was there. Kicks were a bit more challenging as homes in Vancouver are pretty small unless you are a millionaire, so no combinations just singles. No forms happened unfortunately, my chosen form Mlong Kuen is a space hog and we just couldn't make it fit in the house or the postage stamp front yard, although the baby thought my attempts were pretty funny. Got back to Edmonton the evening of Feb 28th, it was minus 37 at our house, holy hannah!

Started with the food tracking on Mar 1st and have made a few discoveries, I drink too much coffee! I don't drink enough water. Not being home on the weekend meant I didn't get stuff prepared to eat healthy the following week so that means I have been doing a lot of late night cooking. Its not really recommended that you sit down for supper at 9:30 pm, but hey you gotta eat. My lenghts swimming are taking a hard hit in performance ... its been really busy and I just haven't gotten to the pool so zero for the last two weeks, however this sunday is still open and next week looks a little more sane so I should be able to swing both tuesday and thursday.

Got a head, nose, throat type cold going on this week ... just so you know if you have a really sore throat the fix is as follows; Go to the health food store and buy some oil of oregano (its pricy but you only need a few drops) before you go to bed and after you brush your teeth, fill the dropper half full and very carefully squirt the oregano oil onto the BACK of your tongue. Do not attempt to wash this stuff down with liquids it needs to stay in your throat. Its not quite as bad as buckleys but its close. Go to sleep, you will dream of pizza and wake up with your throat feeling pretty fine.

Talk to you next week.

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