Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Health & Graditude

So I started some naturopathic health options because of course according to my regular doctor all of these things I am experiencing don't show up in a blood test, pee test, ya da ya da, your fine, this is what happens at your age.  I am in week one and what a difference already ... the brain fog is reduced and I have alot more energy. Although I still haven't got mightybell going, I am going to get Mel to help me set it up via my desktop ... wish me luck!  Back to the original topic, so apparently I am suffering from stress, a poorly performing thyroid, and hormones.  At this point we are dealing with the stress and thyroid, the stress not a suprise (between Mel being sick and then my mom being sick its been a rough couple of years) although the degree of the lack of performance from my adrenal system was a bit of a shock.  So no coffee, no wine, to bed by 10, an afternoon nap (not happening so far), no extreme exercise (not happening so far), limit social events (I would love too).  Apparently my body can't distinguish between good and bad stress and my overworked adrenal system has just given up ... thats why I feel exhausted all the time and everything seems to be hugely overwhelming and complicated.  In addition there are tintures and supplements that I doubted would make a difference but so far are making a huge difference. 

for alternative health options
for sundogs, I know they only happen when its REALLY cold but wow are they beautiful
for my awesome children and husband
for the great and supportive people that I work with
for the great and supportive people that I study Kung Fu with

for the 9 days left of christmas shopping (I've barely started)

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