Monday, January 25, 2016

Retrospective of 2015

I am not a person that spends a lot of time thinking about the past, or analysing why or why not this or that did or did not happen.  This year had some high points and one really, really low one.  Looking back the low one seems to overpower the high points ... this is why I would rather not think about it.  My coping mechanism for dealing with the bad stuff is fight the battle and then win or lose bury it and move on.   Does this always work? ... Nope, but sometimes these things need to compost for awhile before you can see the benefits.  When you are too close it stinks.  So in retrospect the year of the sheep had some real manure moments ha ha ha.  

So here is the summary of year of the sheep.

My numbers started off decent, then Melanie wound up in the hospital and from June to the end of August I did not log a single act of kindness or  any pushups, situps or my form reps, as I was mostly in a daze, and if I was kind to someone, or did some training it was done with little attention and no retention.

The last few months however have been awesome, not so much my stuff but the I Ho Chuan team, and my daughters recovery.  

A couple of things I learned and or had confirmed this year are;

Silent River Kung Fu Blackbelts and the I Ho Chuan members are spectacular people (already knew this and appreciate everything you have all done)

Life is NOT FAIR  (already knew this too, did not need a reminder)

I can't fix everything (new lesson ... I have been 'fixing' things for a long time and I am actually pretty good at it most of the time) But this GBS thing just came out of the blue and there wasn't a thing I could do to change it, nor could I really help through the first 3 months. I just had to stand and and watch my daughter suffer.

Not everyone wants me to fix things for them (knew this but forgot it while the girls were in china ... so far most people have been fine with my fixing their lives ... not Melanie ... her first words when she was little was 'me do it' and she still insists on 'fixing' her own stuff).  She lets me help sometimes out of pity for my need to do SOMETHING.

I can pull off some intense training when under pressure ... (knew this from blackbelt grading year ... needed to get my sword form at least into some kind of shape before the end of the year and I am content that this and dragon dance are two things I managed to achieve from my requirements.)

Patience (did not have it and still don't)  endurance that I have!

So there you have it

1 comment:

  1. Sure you have patience- you're teaching me that sword form aren't you? That takes patience! Glad you guys are back on the team next year.
