Wednesday, August 26, 2015

GBS Sucker Punch

This Guillian Barre Syndrome (if you think in fighting terms) was a sucker punch to Melanie and our family (that includes alot of people at SRKF) ... it just came out of no where, and shocked us all pretty badly.

At this point I can only say thank god she is getting better.  Life lessons will need a little more time and distance for me to recognize ... I am still kind of catching my emotional breath (if that makes any sense).

I have been practicing my sword form and trying to catch up on my numbers which did a number (ha ha) on my back which is now on the mend.  I am planning on doing my sword form and mu long khun (maybe I should learn how to spell it first) at the tiger challenge so I need to get back to it.  Really enjoyed returning to classes and being part of the I Ho Chuan team again.

I would like to thank everyone again for all the support, emotional and financial it was very much appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. It'll be so nice to see the both of you. I'm really glad she's starting to feel better! If you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask.
