Thursday, July 17, 2014

Pain Relief

For the past year I have been having a difficulty with pain in the backs of my legs all the way down to my heels and although it hasn't stopped me from doing alot of activities is has been a challenge to get a good nights sleep.  The baffling thing is that it would move from side to side so I was never sure if it was something in my lower back or a strain to the legs.  The 150 kicks per day (in small bunches) actually made it feel better so it didn't seem to be a muscle injury but no matter how much stretching I did it never seemed to really go away.  So after multiple doctor visits I decided to try acupuncture.   The lady I am seeing asked if I would like to try a method of treatment called cupping and oh my god, two treatments and what a difference.  Last week I actually slept without pain.  Her explanation is that the cupping (suction cups applied to the backs of the legs and lower back) takes the pressure off the nerves in my back and legs and helps release the fascia (? not sure of the spelling).  Less irritating to the nerves than using my roller (which I also tried).  If you are interested she works out of the Callingwood Chiropractic Clinic and her name is Katherine Frey.

I am a much nicer person with enough rest!

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