Monday, April 16, 2012

10 of 52

I learned alot at the I Ho Chuan meeting ... listening to other people talk about their different methods of accomplishing the requirements always makes me aware of how unique people are.  All of us have different situations and priorities that influence how we work our Kung Fu into our daily life.  Some of us are morning people and roll out of bed and before they leave for work they have made serious inroads into getting it done.  Me I do what I can during the day and finish up at night (night owl here).   Not perhaps what Sifu had it mind but hey it works for me. 

For those of us who are hitting a wall when it comes to motivation I think we are all a little down from the weather ... I know I have gotten outside to work on my forms a couple of times but then it snows yet again!  Its kind of depressing I know!  Apparently this weekend April 21st and 22nd is supposed to be in the teens and sunny ... really looking forward to that.  My new neighbors can start wondering what that woman is doing in her backyard with a wooden sword/spear/stick.   I wonder how long it will take them to ask ... its kind of funny. 

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