Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Moving On ... Staying Behind

So another one of our spectacular young martials artists is moving on with his life ... Sifu Robertson said his official goodbye on Friday. I got to give him a hug and wish him the best on Saturday after open training. He is one of my favorite people, a great martial artist and teacher, intelligent and weird in a very interesting way, a person of character. I will notice that he is not at the black belt class or the tai chi class as much as I notice my daughters are not there.

I am like a nervous bird, nudging them out of the nest, smug that they can fly, but wanting to keep them close and safe, like they were all mine and I had something significant to do with their success, sheesh Terry get over yourself! To me its a wonder that alot of the senior black belts (who have had a huge impact on their growth) are not busting out of their shirts with pride or in tears because they are leaving or both. Their self restraint and dignity must be under alot of stress.

Yet the whole point is to fulfill your dreams, have adventures, accomplish things, grow and develop into outstanding human beings, what we want for all the people in our lives. I am very proud to be part of Silent River and associated with this calibre of people, as corny as it is that's how I feel.

So I hope they are all successful, that their dreams come true and that they stay in touch with us ... their kungfu family.

I wish that I could split into many different parts, be in Wudang with my girls, keep a thoughtful eye on Graham in China and Vancouver, cheer on Danielle while she is at stunt school and on movie sets. It would be awesome to share in the adventures ... its the pits staying behind ... I am just a little bit envious. Not a nice thing to admit but honest.

I feel somewhat ineffective and abandoned, a comfortable old running shoe that has been replaced with some high tech air sole trainers. Sitting in the closet and collecting dust, oh god I am sliding into a pity party, time to stop.

So on a stronger, less poor me, note ... I guess I need to get going on some of my own adventures so I quit living vicariously through these young martial artists that I admire so much. I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that my daughters end up pursuing their dreams in the way that your daughters are doing right now. ( Jill has met Melanie and we often talk about her when Jill is talking about her aspirations for after high school)They are such role models for my girls, and you are such a great role model for me. And yes, if I were you now, I'd be going after my own dreams!
