So you can tell where this is going ... my neck and shoulders are giving me grief and as a result I have had a pretty grim headache for the last couple of days. This really messes with my sword form, I have to really concentrate on breathing and relaxing my shoulders, they get tight and the neck is sore and I do the turtle thing which looks pretty bad when you are doing a tai chi form.
I need a massage ... 💆 actually I need one every week just to keep the neck and shoulders healthy. I know several, I just never make the time. Its like my pain is not a priority to myself?
💠I have thought a lot about the belief systems that make many of us put ourselves last. Do we think we are selfish if we take time to care of our own health, physical, mental and emotional? Is it a self esteem issue? Is it a female thing? A parent thing? Oldest child syndrome?
Someone once described these belief systems as a piece of glass or window that we view the world through. The glass is created by what we have been taught/learned (either by example or by experience) and each one is unique. And all of them have warps and imperfections, none are really clear. There is no one that can claim to be objective, we all live subjectively veiwing the world through our windows.