Friday, March 19, 2010


I have outlined my new goals for 2010. FINALLY!

I have planned out my training and started the program. Last year although I was not successful at everything I set out to do, it really brought the lesson home about setting priorities, making a plan, definining how to achieve the plan and follow thru.

The daily routine for me is the hardest ... doing the important things every day! I get caught up in the urgent things, and with a life as busy as mine its pretty easy to get buried under urgent and important gets put off again and again. My husband is probably the best example of a person who can manage his life, once you know his priorities/goals well you can pretty much predict how everything is going to go. Its rare that he deviates ... true its hard to get him to commit to something but once his interest is caught well its all over but the doing. I have always envied him this ability/trait/characteristic to set his sights and then go get it (whatever it may be).

My hubby describes me as a hummingbird ... busy busy busy, dart here, dart there, multitasking like crazy. I get alot done but the question is ... was it worth doing? Do all these tasks I accomplish take me farther down the road to achieving my goals? Unfortunately for me ... not always. So its all about keeping my focus and sticking with my priorities.

Some pithy remarks to keep me on track,

You have to start something before you can finish it
Slow and steady wins the race
If you don't succeed at first, then try try again
You can only fail if you quit
When the going gets tough the tough get going

Feel free to contribute any one liners you believe are inspiring.